
My very own website!!! Yikes!

March 2020: month in review

So January lasted forever, February disappeared in an instant. And March changed the world completely!
Family: excitement at the start of the month as Chris got a new job, but then panic at the end of the month as we try to make sure it is going ahead in May. The biggest change to family life was when schools shut on 20th March and we began home learning.
Work: the month started out quite frantic for me in terms of all my jobs but my two most recent temporary jobs finished when the schools closed. My clerking jobs and my blog are continuing obviously but there will be no exam invigilating this year which makes me sad for all the effort of the staff and children in Year 11.
Days out: nothing! We are home and staying there! Of course, now I bitterly regret that we didn’t go out at the start of the month!
Reviews: the kids got involved in British Science Week with some fun sets from Learning Resources UK.

I enjoyed experimenting with flavours using Power Pods from The Spice Pioneer.

We got in the mood for Easter with cute toys and edible egg slime Yolkies.

Food: I have had more time in the kitchen this month (including a garlic mushroom risotto) and the kids have joined me for biscuits, rice krispie cakes and bolognese!

Books: another bumper crop of fabuous reads!



  1. I reckon once this is over, we’ll never say no to anything again!! We’ll be out on the town for anything! Ha.
    Looks like you’re having fun regardless.
    Stay safe #GlobalBlogging

  2. As a former science teacher, I loved seeing your children doing the science experiments. Science Week is a great concept. We don’t have anything like it here in the US but we should!

  3. March is definitely one we will all remember for a long time. I’m so impressed with the number of books you managed to read. Some great sounding titles there! #GlobalBlogging

  4. Lovely to see your family and what they are getting up to. Well done all of you. I think many of us are reflecting on what we should have done whilst we had the chance. However, how we will celebrate when all this is over. #GlobalBlogging

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